Assistive Technology Concepts

Smart Assist for Dementia Patients (2016)

User-centred design and design for special needs were both in the focal point of my product development studies. With a single exception, my semester and diploma projects were all centred around assistive technologies. During these projects, I worked in close collaboration with users and experts to tackle everyday problems with the help of user-centred design.

Although these projects did not evolve into real products, they were taken very seriously and concluding them helped me to learn, understand and practice user involvement in product design on a professional level.

This example is a smartwatch co-designed with people who live/work with dementia. It is meant to aid dementia sufferers with their everyday problems. The prototypes were designed in Autodesk Inventor and 3D printed on an FDM printer.

Sex Toy for the Quadriplegic (2019)

These concepts aim to find a solution for citizens with quadriplegia to be able to perform

onanism without the assistance of others. A set of masturbator aids were designed in co-production with users. As my master project, I concluded the development from a very early stage through the establishment of a user pool, research methods, ideation, decision making, concept valuation, detailing, technology assessment, and making a business case.