Gábor Horváth

Product Development Engineer

My Latest Projects

Flow Drainers

These concepts aim to improve dish racks in every possible way. Not only the looks but all the dirty details.


Gumminæse is an indoor toy concept specifically developed to open some doors at the hippest Danish toy manufacturers.

What Do People Say?

Gábor Horváth was recommended to me by our previous intern Benjámin Tóth and also by our mutual teacher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, András Varga. 

I was looking for an intern candidate to join our design studio, Dalvin Castor design, in Budapest. He joined us during the design development process of a medical device.

First, he was working with CAD modeling. That's when we had the chance to learn about his professional attitude and practice. He is quite an expert in SolidWorks. He is fast and precise. Also, he is willing to follow instructions while being able to make decisions on his own.

In the following project, he was involved in the brainstorming process, and this is when we have experienced his creative side. He had many innovative ideas and showed us his sense of aesthetics, proportion, and design in general. Later, in the execution process, we were working closely with engineers. Gábor showed an exceptional attitude here as well. He is always willing to learn and able to compromise in order to have a great product.

Gábor is a perfect team player. Our sometimes rather tight deadlines were no problem for him with his exceptional talent and work ethic. His positive attitude, flexibility, and winning style were appreciated by everyone in our group. He brought much to our studio and is remembered fondly for his great sense of humor and friendly attitude. Gábor will be missed by all who had the pleasure of working with him. He will be successful in anything he is involved in.

Anna Vidovszky ​​
Product Manager and Designer at Dalvin Castor Design​

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